Sunday, March 9, 2008

A Sense of Tiime

I have been working on this quilt intensively for the last couple of weeks. It is for a show called: What makes you tick? I pondered the question for a long time and finally realized that for me it is all about color, textures and learning new techniques.

Marni helped with the title which seems appropriate because I am talking about two of our senses: Touch and Sight. My quilting also harkens back to designs from Ancient Greece and the circles reminded her of grapes and Ancient Rome.

I used a number of new techniques on this quilt and was delighted with the results. I did a little beading and a lot of wrapping of threads around metal washers to create the circles. I learned these techniques in a class from Larkin Van Horn.

I tried paintsticks for the first time in the stenciling of the gingkos. I bought them at the Road to California quilt show in January when I went there with my friend Denise. We also bought scrap bags full of the silks that are in this piece.

At that time our friend, Mary taught us how to make a new fiber using soy silk and angelina fibers. That is the wispy looking stuff in the left hand corner. I love it.

The whole piece was heavily quilted using patterns that were new for me. This was a wonderful quilt to experiment on and revel in!

1 comment:

Amazing Ashland Home said...

Having seen this piece "in person," photos cannot do justice to what is a playful and dramatic piece of art. I can't wait to see what you do next! Keep pushing the envelope for all of us who continue to learn from you.
