I knit these scarves for the two kids who I babysit for. Shoshana picked the yarn and Rascal had a field day with it before the knitting began. Two balls of ribbon yarn wrapped around him, Darcy(the collie) and the coffee table. It looked like Mardi Gras in my house. He was so pleased to see me when I returned home to the mess.

This one was fun to create and the sewing was easily done during a couple of meetings that I attended. I was really tempted to buy more wool felt after creating it but I stopped myself from filling that online shopping cart when I realized that I really don't need $150 worth of felt....the colors were so gorgeous that I wanted it all. Ah well...
maybe next year.

Hi Everybody,
This is my last post of the year because I am off to Egypt on Tuesday to celebrate my mother's 80th birthday. She is a retired travel agent and we just can't get the travel bug out of her blood. Should be an incredible trip with the whole family.
I am pretty proud of myself looking back on this year. I actually posted something every week except one! Not bad. And I have four things to post today to make up for future misses. I intend to continue my weekly postings upon my return so expect to see something mid- January. I do love blogging because it keeps me on track and it is great to share what I am up to.
So a special thanks to those of you who read my blog and especially to those who make comments. May your holidays be full of love, health and happiness and may your New Year bring more of the same plus a lot of creativity.
Much Love,
Much Love,