Friday, February 8, 2008

Amoeba comes to mind

I am going out of town today so I was in a hurry to get my quilt finished this week. Since I am working on a large project right now, I decided to go into the studio and sew yarns to an upholstry fabric and see what happened. It needed quilting in the middle so I spent about an hour creating small circles. Then I pulled treads around the outside and sewed the whole thing to black felt. When I asked Marni what she thought it looked like, her first response was "an Amoeba". That's what had come to me too so I call it "Amoeba comes to mind".
It was a great reminder for me not to stress over my time limitations and just play. You never know what will appear.

This is a close up of the quilting. I really like the look of all those circles.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Hi Karen,
I love your work. I think you have many fabulous pieces and I especially like "Spring Blossoms" and "A Sense of Time". Your work is just beautiful. Jan in Santa Barbara (Patty's daughter)