Once again blogger has decided to turn my photos when I post them. Grr.... I am going to have to figure out why this is happening. In the meantime, I will tell you that I have started a new project. If you got to
www.illustrationfriday.com you will see an incredible number of blogs by artists in lots of different areas. Every Friday a new word is posted and the idea is to create something inspired by that word. My first word was : Pale and aside from the look on your face when you see something scary I wasn't sure what to do. I checked out the dictionary definition and the first description that came up was talking about pale as being a division between one area and another so I ran with it.
I have also completed a King Size Lone Star quilt top but I won't be posting it until it is quilted.
We had a great meeting with Diane Ericson at Quiltz on Thursday night. I came away with a lot of ideas on how to get creative but the biggest thing for me was her comment: You want people to say "look what she did with the fabric" not "look at that fabric". That one hit home. I also got the message to stop saving my favorite fabric - use it! And I plan to do just that.